Jolie’s middle finger tattoo was not aimed at Brad Pitt, says tattoo artist

The issue of Angelina Jolie’s middle finger tattoos is currently being talked about, and most fans think that it is about her ex-husband Brad Pitt.

However, the tattoo artist who gave the tattoo replied that it was not, and announced that the actual tattoo will be shown soon.

Mr. K, a tattoo artist, posted on Instagram on August 22 that he had the opportunity to tattoo Hollywood actress Jolie. Mr. K said that it is not a tattoo related to Brad Pitt. I wrote back that I will post the real picture of the tattoo very soon.

Some fans also admired Jolie’s hand and commented, “Can even a small palm be so beautiful?”

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have been together for 12 years, and after two years of marriage, Jolie filed for divorce. The two have six children. The two have had legal battles over other issues, including ownership issues, and Brad Pitt sued Jolie last June for selling parts of a French vineyard they both owned without consulting him. The two were officially single in 2019 by a judge’s announcement.